Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Quest to Read

    I finally petitioned to graduate with my Bachelor's in Business this week. As my educational endeavours come to an end in the next few months, my mind has been flooding with ideas about what I will do at nap time each day or during adult time after 'Tasia goes to bed at night.  I have neglected reading over the last year and a half besides squeezing in my favorite magazines in between teaching myself my lessons for the week for school. Out of all the exciting things I could do with my upcoming free time I have decided that I want to read. Reading was always one of my favorite past times and now I will be in my glory once again.
    I stumbled upon a few suggested readings on another blog site that struck my interest this afternoon. Sewing Green: 25 Projects Made with Re purposed & Orga​nic Materials by Betz White was the book that struck my interest the most. As I headed to Amazon to check out this new treasure I was greeted with other suggested books.Here is a list of books I have put on my wish list for my pleasure:

by Amanda Blake Soule
     My excitement is growing even now as I read over this spectacular list that I have created. In the past few years my ever changing life has left me feeling empowered yet different. Different from the average American as my interest grow into the natural, the sustainable, and the old fashioned ideas I so much loved as a child. I always blamed my parents for naming me Dawn, siting that as the primary reason I loved nature,earth, and "hippy things" as I called it then. Finding these books makes me anxious to read as I feel now that I can delve into the very heart of my interests that I can expand my knowledge in areas so hushed by main stream ideology. I can truly find my passion for organic whole living in the way that feels right to me.
     Now I know that this is putting a lot of hope in a few random book titles I found, but by reading these titles I hope to better understand my budding ideals for life. Now to just finish up this degree. August 1st is the last day of college and the first day of my reading journey. I look forward to sharing my revelations here on the blog.

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